Two Academies, One Purpose
In today’s competitive landscape, ensuring your youth is not just ready but excelling in their chosen path is a monumental challenge. Our tailored programs are designed to cultivate the skills and mindset needed for success!
Sports Academy
Life Academy
At Inner Circle Sports Academy, we know you or your youth are the kind of people who want to be successful in your prospective sports.
In order to be that way you need skill development, strength training, deep stretching and mentorship. guided by a team of people that believe in you and your youth’s vision.
At Inner Circle Life Academy, we know you are the type of parents that want your youth to be successful in life beyond sports.
In order to be that way, you need time and a team of people that believe in your youth and can guide them to reaching their full potential.
Sports Academy
Life Academy
Excellence in sports is not only measured by one’s skills and game play in the sports. At Inner Circle Sports Academy, we introduce the youth to a well rounded trifecta program benefiting the whole person:
- Sports-Specific Program
- Strength Program
- Stretch Program
Our program provides the foundation for excellence in the sports your child chose to play as an Inner Circle Champ; combining game play with strength and flexibility training, on and off the court.
At Inner Circle Life Academy, youth will be exposed to three areas:
- Family Well-Being Assessment. This is the key component of Inner Circle Academy where the youth and their family will be assigned to a mentor.
- Life Force Workshops. We offer basic age-appropriate workshops like financial management, ethics, etc. along with career-focused workshops for older youths who is either showing potential in playing pro or is leaning towards a specific job
- Career Game Plan. This is for youth aged 12 and up where more intentional conversation happens between the mentor and the youth/adult about future.